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9 Things That Make Couples Ridiculous

First off, I'd like to say that I'm an extremely biased writer when it comes to this topic. I'm dating someone that makes most other boyfriends look like dry, shriveled up fruit in comparison. I am in no way trying to say that my relationship is perfect, but it's pretty close. These 9 things definitely don't apply to us and at least one of them applies to every single couple I've ever gotten to know (... oops). 1. Breaking up and getting back together I don't care if you broke up once or 100 times, for 5 minutes or 5 years, if it was mutual or one-sided or if it was a healthy break up or the ugliest one in history -- either way, at some point, at least one of you was okay with not being together. If this applies to you, you're either with someone who wants you only some of the time or you're with someone who you want only some of the time. I honestly don't know which one's worse. 2. Forgiving cheating 3. Publicizing their sex life Chances are, if you feel the need to talk about the sex you're having, it probably isn't any good. 4. The guy always pays If it's the girl's birthday, I understand the guy paying. If it's the guy's birthday, why should the guy pay? That's quite the double standard. What about Valentine's day? Your anniversary? Those aren't the girl's days either. It's both of your days, so why not split the bill? 5. Breaking the bank when buying gifts Materialistic things are great every now and then, but chances are you won't even remember what you got each other for Christmas 2016 several years down the line. Saving up and going on trips every year, though? You definitely won't forget that. Me and Wes prefer making memories together over buying each other things that we could easily buy for ourselves, but to each their own. 6. Making "special" days too special Treat each other amazingly and make every day worth remembering, even when it's not one of your birthday's or Valentine's day or your anniversary. 7. Not enjoying just being boyfriend and girlfriend Thinking about the future is great -- the concept of a wedding and marriage and babies is all very exciting, but don't forget to enjoy dating. Every stage of a relationship is wonderful and there's no need to rush through them. 8. Fighting a lot Having disagreements is normal, but it is possible to never fight. I have no idea what Wes' raised voice sounds like and I hope I never will. 9. Thinking they're serious after less than a year Yeah, you barely even know each other.

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